Welcome Back Current Year 7

We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 7 students back this week.  The session will focus on well-being; readjusting to the school in its new layout (compliant with social distancing guidelines), a humanities session, a maths session and we will end the day with a PE session.  Students are advised that they do not need to wear school uniform but should come in comfortable clothes which are suitable for sport.  It isn’t a fashion show.  It does not look like it will be particularly warm this week and parts of the school can be chilly when windows are open so it would be a good idea to bring a jumper/sweatshirt.  All students should bring their own equipment: a pen, pencil, ruler, calculator, a drink and a packed lunch.  Students must not share equipment with each other.  

The day will be from 9:30am–2:30pm.  Students are able to arrive on site from 9:20am and should use the normal entry and exit points.  Once on site, they should line up on the front yard outside Hollinshead Hall.  If you plan to bring your child in the car, a gentle reminder that you must not use the main carpark.  Please drop your child off in Alsager and allow them to walk the short distance to school.  If your child is unable to attend, please contact the absence line.  Following Government guidelines, we will be making phone calls home where a child has not attended and should be in school.

Staff are very excited about seeing Year 7.  I imagine many students are excited too but may also be a little nervous.  Your child’s safety is our priority and I want to reassure you that we have applied all Government guidelines to ensure that our school is safe for staff and students.  We will have pastoral staff available for your child, should s/he become overwhelmed at any point during their session.   In accordance with our risk assessment, parents may only come into the building by appointment only. 

If your child has a school locker, there will be an opportunity for him/her to empty the locker and return the key. 

I have attached an appendix from our behaviour policy.  Please read through it with your child before your child’s session. 

Kind regards

Mrs O’Neill, Head of School

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