Our Leadership Group consists of the Headteacher, one Deputy Head and five Assistant Headteachers. The group is fundamentally concerned with school improvement and whole school managements. Leadership Group members work closely with the Governing Body in the discharge of their responsibilities.
Each of the Core Subjects (English, Maths and Science) is managed by a Curriculum Leader supported by a Deputy and Assistant. We also have Curriculum Leaders for Applied/Vocational Learning and Learning Support and Assistant Curriculum Leaders to manage our Co-operative Learning programme. Each Curriculum Leader is linked directly with a member of the Leadership Group. Art, Design & Technology, Communications (MFL, Business Studies and IT) have a CL, DCL and ACL. PEPA and Humanities have a CL and subject leaders.
The curriculum is delivered at all key stages through a 50 period, fortnightly timetable. All lessons are of 1 hour duration. KS3 is completed in three years and two years is spent on KS4.
Although some staff have designated responsibility for each pupil, in practice every member of staff is involved in pastoral care. Our School subscribes to the philosophy that staff are teachers of children first and foremost and should recognise their responsibility for establishing and maintaining a community in which individual potential, in the broadest sense, can be maximised.
Mixed ability form groups are divided into Colleges (Dod, Lovell, Moreton and Royce). Students stay with the same Head of College Head and where possible the same Form Tutor throughout their five years in the main school. Form Tutors are the cornerstones of our pastoral system and have direct responsibility for each individual pupil in their tutor group. Heads of College, who are members of the Support Staff, monitor behaviour and work closely with parents. They lead weekly assemblies which help to develop and establish their college ethos. Members of the Leadership Group are linked to individual Colleges.
The Sixth Form is led by a Director and Deputy Director.
Support Staff work in a wide range of roles that support the education of all pupils.
Alsager School is one of the highest performing schools in Cheshire East. Take a look at our prospectus to find out more.
Alsager School, Hassall Road, ST7 2HR
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