Update from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Good afternoon,

Following on from my email last week, we currently still aim for all students in Y11 and Y13 to return to school for face to face lessons on Monday 11th January, with all other year groups returning on Monday 18th January.  Remote learning will commence tomorrow for all students.  Mr Pearce has sent out information to all students and this can also be found on the website.  Students who have contacted us to say that they will be in school to have their remote lessons, should come in full school uniform and register in Hollinshead Hall from 8:30-8:40.  School rules and policies still apply. 

We will be in a position to start mass testing by the end of this week and I will contact you again with specific details. 

I am aware that the Prime Minister is due to set out further steps to combat the virus this evening and should this affect our plans outlined above, I will communicate changes with you.

Thank you for your patience and understanding with this.

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