Update from Mrs O’Neill

Good afternoon,

This week has been a ‘different’ experience for us at Alsager School; we have had to make difficult decisions but I am pleased to say that Y11 will be able to return to school on Friday 16th October, slightly earlier than we first anticipated. They have all had ‘live’ lessons but nothing can quite replicate being in the classroom. I want to reassure you all that we will always inform students, parents and carers ourselves should we have to implement any form of self-isolation across the school. The communication worked very well with Y11 but we are aware that there have been some conflicting messages shared amongst the community this week. We will always put the safety of the school and its community first. Some students have taken it upon themselves to call home to ask parents to collect them this week. If your child becomes ill, they must rely on school to make the contact with home. If you receive a phone call from your child, please do not come to school; ring reception and we will discuss the situation with you. Students are not allowed to use their own phones during the school day. The weather, for the most part, has gone in our favour this week but more and more students are bringing in coats and brollies for the sudden downpour that we often experience during breaks. Behaviour around school continues to be very good and there have been some great things happening in lessons; a particular favourite was a Y8 food tech class making their own pizzas with dough made from scratch.

As always, thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs O’Neill, Head of School.

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