Positive Covid case in Year 10

COVID Update

We have been informed this weekend of a positive Covid case in Year 10.  We have taken advice from Cheshire East and PHE and are taking the precautionary measure for all of Year 10 to stay at home on Monday.  We will be investigating this further with Public Health England and Cheshire East. We will continue to communicate throughout the day on Monday.  Year 10 should access their emails for work from their class teachers. 

The number of positive cases across Cheshire East is increasing and there are positive cases amongst members of the wider community in Alsager.  It is important for us all to follow the Government advice surrounding social distancing at this time; should a member of your household be awaiting test results all of the household should isolate until the results are known.  If your child or any member of your household is displaying any of the symptoms associated with Covid 19, you must all self-isolate and the affected person must get a test.  We all have a part to play in helping to reduce the risk of transmission.

School will remain open for all students in Y7, 8, 9, 12 and 13. 

Thank you for your understanding with this. 

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