Do you have children moving from year 6 to 7 in September? Our Student Leadership Team have used their time during lockdown, and their excellent IT skills, to produce this ‘Top Tips for Joining Year 7’ video for all of current year 6 students who 
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Computer science is becoming a more important topic every day – from automation to AI and cyber security. Many businesses rely on their computer systems to operate now and our A level students are learning how to develop system to help shape the future. A 
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In line with DfE guidance (Planning Guide For Primaries, Section 11), we will not be holding any transition days for our Y6 pupils before September.  Over the coming weeks we will hopefully be better informed about what school will look like post July so that 
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Please use the link below to download the latest Sixth Form newsletter:
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It’s Mental Health Awareness Week… this year focuses on kindness… Here is a daily challenge for you all!
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We are delighted to be taking part in “Paving the Way”, a virtual STEAM Careers Festival hosted by The Pledge The focus is for Years 9 to 13 and the aim is to inspire and encourage students to set some career related goals. Students will 
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122