Alsager Sixth Form students are celebrating their fantastic A level and BTEC results.  They have persevered through really challenging times and despite the fearmongering in the media over the past week, there has been an abundance of top grades, with many students having a full suite 
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It was a big week in politics last week and the Department for Education was no different.  We had three different Secretaries of State for Education in the space of three days.  Let’s hope things settle down over summer; no one would welcome chaos around exam results 
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A Level Results Day – Thursday 18th August  Collecting your results from the Sixth Form area – 8.30-10.30am  Alsager Sixth Form opens at 8.30am for the collection of exam results.  Results will be available on Insight from 11am.  Exam results will be posted home if they have not 
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We saw another fantastic SPIRIT WEEK in 2022, made even more exciting after the two years hiatus due to COVID. Students had unique and exciting opportunities to demonstrate the SPIRIT values through many different activities designed to develop new skills and undertake challenges that they 
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Visyon’s Family and Community Wellbeing Team are running a series of parenting workshops on a collection of topics throughout July. Please see posters below for details:
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Although it was great last year to be able to deliver our first ever virtual Year 10 Careers Focus Day, we were thrilled to be able to return to an In Real Life event for 2022!  Whether we are holding a virtual, or IRL event, 
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Contact Alsager School
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122