Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

I hope you have all had a good week.

As we approach the end of a very busy and tiring term, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the highlights and offer a few important reminders.

Firstly, I must extend my warmest congratulations to all of our students who took part in the recent performance of Shrek. The show was nothing short of fantastic, and I was incredibly proud of how hard the performers and musicians worked to bring it to life. Their energy, enthusiasm, and talent were evident throughout, and I know the effort they put in was appreciated by everyone in attendance. A huge thank you also goes to the dedicated staff who supported and guided the students—your hard work made it all possible.  It was also lovely to have ex-students take part and be part of the audience; that is what makes Alsager School so special and the ‘caring community’ we aspire to be.  We cannot wait for the next production. 

As we enter the final week of term, I would like to remind everyone about the importance of maintaining the high standards and expectations we have set throughout the year, especially in regard to attendance. We continue to see the positive effects of regular attendance on student progress, and I encourage everyone to keep up the good work. For those who are in school every day next week, there will be an attendance draw with some festive prizes to look forward to!

Looking ahead, we are hosting a Tea, Toast, and Talk on Wednesday. This is a wonderful opportunity for parents and carers to come together for a casual chat with staff, and I’d love to see you there! Please do drop by if you can.  We will also be holding a PE Kit Swap Shop for families to exchange or donate spare PE kit. If you have any outgrown or unused kit, you can bring it in and, if you wish, make a small donation towards school funds.

A quick reminder about parking: please do not park directly by the school exits. We’ve had reports of congestion, and we ask everyone to be mindful of the safety of our children and families. 

Finally, I want to acknowledge the difficulties at the start of the week when we had no internet or phone lines. It certainly felt like stepping back into the 90s! Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve the issue.

Looking ahead, Christmas lunches will be served next week in the canteen, and we’re all looking forward to celebrating the festive season together.

Please remember that we will be finishing early next Friday,20th December at 12:25.  Buses have been informed and anyone who is eligible for free school meals can collect it at break time.

Thank you for your continued support throughout what has been a long but rewarding term. I wish you all a peaceful and joyous holiday season.

“When we shield children from failure or choreograph success for them, we’re distorting the experiences they need in order to grow.” (Madeline Levine)

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  • 01270 871100