Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Good afternoon, 

Although we have only been back in the school building for three weeks, this has been a long term and we are starting to see students who look like they are in need of a rest.  This will not be made any easier when we lose an extra hour of sleep on Sunday!  This week we have reintroduced ball games at lunch; this has brought with it much excitement and it has been lovely to see students being more physically active.  Over the coming weeks we should start to see more sporting facilities opening up and I know that there are many students and staff who are eager to get back into shape. 

I have been really impressed with our students’ compliance with our uniform policy.  I would anticipate a very similar approach after Easter; any dodgy haircuts can certainly be rectified at the hairdresser’s.  Students in Y10-13 will be allowed off site again after Easter at lunchtime; they will still need to abide by the social distancing protocols and be mindful of the locals when walking to and from the village.  We will also be swapping dining venues for students in Y8 and Y9.  Pupils in Y8 will eat lunch in Best Bite and pupils in Y9 will transfer to Hollinshead Hall.  The timings of the day will remain the same.

We launched our updated website this week.  Hopefully you have had an opportunity to peruse the new layout.  We have kept all of the previous information, but it may have moved location. 

We will send Home Testing Kits home next week which will see us all though the Easter holidays as well.  A reminder that, in the event of a positive result on the LFD tests, a PCR test must also be taken.  The result of the PCR test overrides the LFD result.  

As always, thank you for your continued support.  I hope you all manage to have a restful weekend and let’s keep everything crossed for some sunshine.

“Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat.” (Laura Ingalls Wilder)

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  • 01270 871100