Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

We have now completed 4 weeks of the autumn term and pupils’ behaviour continues to be exceptional.  They have adapted really well to the new timings of the school day.  The start of the day is very calm and allows form tutors to check in with their form, ensuring that everyone is fully prepared for the day.  The new lunchtime arrangements had the potential to be more challenging but again, behaviour at lunch has been great both in and outside of the canteen.  If your child has a packed lunch, it would be worthwhile checking with them that they are eating it all.  We are seeing a lot of untouched food being put straight into the bin, such as yogurts and fruit.  If your child has school dinners, it may also be prudent to set a limit on how much they can spend each day.  Some pupils are clearly making the most of their newly found independence and are filling up on two full meals and lots of chocolate crunch! 

The next few weeks will be very busy in school, starting on Saturday with our open morning.  Lots of pupils have offered to come in to conduct tours or work in faculty areas.  I always look forward to open morning as it is a wonderful way to showcase our school community.  Next Thursday we have our ‘prepare to perform’ evening, providing an opportunity for Y10 and Y11 pupils and parents to come and talk to staff and sixth formers about effective revision techniques and strategies to cope with the exam period.  A big thank you in advance to the parents of last year’s Y11 pupils who have offered to come in and offer their advice as well.  The Key Stage 3 showcase will be held on Thursday 17th October and on Thursday 24th October we host our SPIRIT awards evening.  The sixth form open evening is on 10th October, and we have a tea, toast and talk session on 23rd October.  There is a lot going on and we will send out more information about each event in the coming weeks. 

We have a lot of avid readers in school, but we do have a plea for all overdue books to be returned.  It may provide the perfect opportunity to insist on bedrooms being tidied to see what else is lurking in there. 

Our extra-curricular programme has started.  Please encourage your child to take part in at least one club. Enrichment activities help to improve attainment but also help to build resilience and develop friendships.

Some of you may be aware that Mr Woods, Head of Dod College is leaving us next week.  We are in the process of replacing him but please be reassured that all queries will be responded to in the usual way.  We wish Mr Woods all the best and thank him for his commitment and dedication to Dod and achieving what many thought would never happen, in bringing home the College cup.  

It looks like it’ll be dry over the next few days, so whatever your plans, have a lovely weekend.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” (Dolly Parton)

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