Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

We have come to the end of the third week of term and behaviour and attitudes to learning continue to be really good.  We have introduced a platinum ticket this year and I know that many of you will have received information about this already.  During our lesson visits, members of SLT are asking staff for names of pupils who have been working exceptionally hard and as a result, we are speaking to the child and contacting home.  I know as a parent how nice it is to receive positive news. 

I’d like to thank all parents and carers who came to the ‘prepare to perform’ event yesterday.  It was lovely to see so many of you.  Attendance was fantastic and there was a positive buzz around school.  Our sixth form students did a great job in providing key tips and advice. We have added a number of parent events to our school calendar this year as I know many of you have had little opportunity to actually come into the building. 

The first college cup points were up for grabs this week with our End Ball tournament.  Again, it was great to see so many taking part.  Our enrichment programme has been shared with all pupils and can be accessed on our website.  We have a wide range of activities for pupils to get involved with outside of the classroom from crochet club to chess club and a wide variety of sports and music activities.  Please do encourage your child to take part.  These activities really support learning in the classroom and help develop strong character.

Our Year 7 have settled in well and today was the first of the team building sessions.  Royce have been out today taking part in games and building a bug hotel. It looked like great fun and thankfully the weather has remained dry.  

A gentle reminder that pupils need to be in school by 8:35. The back gates are closed at 8:38 so any pupil arriving after that time will have to walk to the front reception.  Please also talk to your child about moving between lesson changeover at a ‘reasonable pace’.  Some pupils often like to take a scenic route to their lessons which results in them being late and therefore disrupting the lesson.  Staff are always out to chivvy them along as well.

We have our open morning next Saturday (30th September).  Our Y8 pupils act as guides and so many of them have volunteered this year, which is great.  In order to help with preparation for the day, we finish early on Friday 29thSeptember at 12:05.  All buses have been informed.  It can be exciting finishing early and in previous years, Y7 pupils have tried to visit their old primary schools.  Can I ask that they are discouraged from doing this. I remember receiving a phone call from a local headteacher about some Y7 pupils posting chips through the school fence to their primary friends, which was definitely not in keeping with their healthy schools banner.

Thank you to all parents and carers for sharing successes of your child outside of school.  I do love to hear what they are up to and celebrate their achievements.

As always, thank you for your continued support and have a lovely weekend.


“Tardiness often robs us opportunity, and the dispatch of our forces.” (Niccolo Machiavelli)

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  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100