Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Welcome back to the new academic year and a warm welcome to our new parents.

It is lovely to see all of our pupils after the summer break and they have made a great start to the new term.  It seems crazy to be complaining about the hot weather, given the summer that we had but our pupils have coped well.  Although many pupils have chosen to keep their blazers on, they have been allowed to take them off in school and around the site.  We also have pockets of shade around the site to keep cool during break and lunchtimes. 

Thank you to all parents and carers for ensuring that our uniform policy is adhered to.   Where pupils and parents are being selective about which parts they adhere to, parents who have gone to great lengths to ensure that their child is in correct uniform and have had difficult conversations at home, will rightly question why they have done so when others are not fully compliant.  We either have the same consistent high standards for all or we have no standards and expectations. Our pupils look smart and ready to learn.  If you have any issues getting uniform, please do get in touch with us.

The new term is always quite hectic and whilst we aim for it to be problem free, I am aware that there have been a few teething problems this week.  I would like to thank you for your understanding and calm response.  Last year I worked with the head teachers across Cheshire East to create a Parents’ Charter.  Our Parents’ Charter is how we all work together for the best interests of our children and sets out clear expectations. A copy of the charter is attached. 

We have a number of events taking place this month and key dates and information for the year will be shared with you all next week.  Our Prepare to Perform evening for parents/pupils in Y10 and Y11 is on Thursday 21st September 4pm-6pm, focusing on revision preparation.  Sessions are run on a drop-in basis and have proven to be successful in previous years.  The following Thursday (28th September) is our pastoral and subject awards evening.  Invitations have been sent out for this event and our guest speaker is James Smith, a former student now working as a dentist locally.  Another key date for your diary is our open morning on Saturday 30th September.  A lot of our pupils love to come in to showcase their school. 

It is always lovely to hear from our past students.  I know that many will have graduated from university over the summer or be embarking on exciting new careers.  Please encourage anyone you know to get in touch with us about their life post Alsager School.  It is a great way for our current pupils to see what they can also achieve.

Over the summer holidays we received notification that we had been awarded the bronze accreditation for the anti-bullying alliance ‘united against bullying’ award.  We will now be working towards achieving the silver.  A big thank you to everyone involved in this. 

A reminder that if you have any concerns to contact your child’s head of college.

After a busy week I imagine many of you are looking forward to the weekend; Saturday promises to be a sunny day.  Having popped into a science lesson this morning where they were looking at nutrients in food, the discovery that a tube of pringles is 24 servings has made me rethink what snacks to have on a Friday evening. One portion is two crisps!

If your plan is to clean your car from the Sahara dust, the recommendation is to rinse thoroughly before washing with cloths or sponges.

Whatever your plans, have a lovely weekend and as always, thank you for your support.

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way.” (Martin Luther King)

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