Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

We have said farewell to our Y13 cohort this morning.  They will return for exams and revision sessions but had their leavers’ assembly this morning and as part of their celebrations they chose to come in fancy dress.  They all certainly embraced it; please do check out our social media to see the amazing costumes.  It is always tinged with sadness (not helped by Olivia singing a very emotional song) when our Y13 leave; we have watched them grow and develop into well rounded young people ready to embark on the next stage of their lives.  We will miss them, and I know that we will also be saying goodbye to some parents and carers as your last child leaves us.  I would like to thank you all for the support you have given over the past 2 or 7 years and wish you all well. 

Our Y11 are well into the exam period and will hopefully make good use of the week ahead to re energise their batteries and hone revision. Behaviour in exams has been exemplary and it has been great to see so many making use of the additional revision sessions we have after school. 

Congratulations to all pupils who embarked on the Duke of Edinburgh last weekend.  It is intended to be a real challenge to enable all participants to show resilience and develop character and having spoken to many who took part, it certainly did that.  A big thank you to all staff who gave up their own time to support this.  They certainly chose a lovely weekend to do it.  We recognise the benefits of all extra-curricular activities, but they are reliant on staff goodwill.  

We have not had an ‘only at Alsager’ moment for a while but the past few days has seen hordes of pupils going onto the tennis courts for a dance off! It has been highly entertaining. 

A gentle reminder heading into half term from the canteen to check parent pay accounts and to top up ‘the finger’.

Let’s keep everything crossed that the good weather stays for next week.  Whatever your plans, have a lovely weekend and a restful half term.

“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.”

(Pascal Mercie)

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  • 01270 871100