Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

It is hard to believe that we are heading toward mid-May.  I am not quite sure where April went.

Year 8 and Year 9 had an assembly this week led by PC Andy Cornell from Cheshire Police, focusing on Hate Crimes.  During the presentation he talked about appropriate use of social media platforms and the impact that bullying and anti-social behaviour have on victims, their families and on the community.  Please do reinforce appropriate use of social media platforms with your child.  We have a lot of information on our website to support parents and carers with this. PC Cornell reinforced the importance of everyone working together and supporting the community was certainly the buzz word of the last bank holiday with Monday acting as day to get involved in volunteering and helping others.  Many of our pupils have been involved in worthy causes which has been fantastic to hear about.  If you have any stories/events you wish to share, please do let me know. 

There have been many articles in the news covering the Coronation but one that I found particularly interesting was about Prince George and how he had persuaded King Charles III to change an ancient Coronation rule over a bullying fear.  White knee breeches and tights were replaced for fear of ‘ribaldry’.  Not quite sure who would be foolish enough to consider bullying a future King; the threat of being sent to the Tower of London would surely make you think twice about any name calling. 

A big well done to all Y11 and Y13 students who have taken their German, French and Spanish speaking exams over the past fortnight.  To complete a speaking exam in a foreign language is a big achievement and sets a great foundation for the remaining exams.  GCSE exams start in earnest on Monday.  Pupils in Y11 have been given a comprehensive revision programme which complements revision done in lessons and at home.  Our Maximising Achievement Plan has been sent to all pupils and parents can also be accessed on our website.  We will have after school revision sessions in the canteen, and we will provide refreshments.  We will also provide a free breakfast for all pupils in Y10, 11 and 13 when they have an exam in the morning session.  Please do encourage your child to come along to these revision sessions.  They have been very popular in previous years, if not just to help calm any last-minute nerves.  They also get to have food prepared by our award-winning chef; a big congratulations to Matt Bennett, our school chef who achieved the runner up place in the Northwest Regional Final of the LACA School Chef of the Year. 

You may have seen on our social media that our Y10/11 football team played in the Sentinel School Shield Final yesterday against Clayton Hall Academy.  It was a fantastic game, made even sweeter with a 4-3 win.  A big congratulations to all players and their manager Mr Buttery, who will undoubtedly be taking most if the credit!

A huge congratulations to all of the pupils who achieved Bronze, Silver or Gold in the UK Maths Challenge.  We had a phenomenal number of winners, thank you to Mr Askew for organising this. 

May has proven to be a full-on month so far, with two Bank Holidays, a Coronation, exams starting on Monday, exciting Champions League games but nothing surpasses this weekend with Liverpool hosting the Eurovision Song Contest.  

Whatever your plans, have a lovely weekend and as always, thank you for your continued support.

“Trust your inner vision.  Don’t let others change your mind.” (Andy Hill/John Danter)

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