Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

In my last message I spoke about this being a busy term, but I had not anticipated how hectic it would turn out to be.  Following the Ofsted inspection, we have had a snow day and also been affected by strike action.  In addition to this, we have had a safeguarding review and an SEN review as part of the Trust’s monitoring programme.  We are really pleased with all of the feedback we have received, which is testament to the hard work of everyone involved in our school.   

Next week we will be talking to pupils about internet safety as part of Internet Safety Day on February 7th.  There has been a lot of coverage in the press over the past week, expressing concern about the content that young children are accessing online.  We know from our own work in school, also, that many pupils are subject to harmful and upsetting comments on social media.  I have copied the link to our E-Safety page on our website so that you can look at ways in which you can support your child:  Please talk to your child about the importance of staying safe online and how to avoid becoming embroiled in harmful online messaging.

Yesterday we held our Y11 parents’ evening.  We have already had some positive feedback.  There is overwhelming support for our parents’ evenings to remain online, but I am also aware of the importance that face-to-face contact has in maintaining positive relationships amongst all of the members of our community.  Whilst we have many opportunities for parents to come to school, such as the transition information evenings, revision support sessions, school productions and SEN coffee mornings, we are working to put together more opportunities for our parents and carers to contribute to Alsager School life. At a recent governor meeting, it was suggested that we resurrect the PTA, for example.  If you have any ideas on how to increase parental involvement, please do get in touch.  I cannot guarantee that we will do it, but we will certainly provide food for thought.

Last Thursday we merged our Storytelling Day with Holocaust Memorial Day and throughout the day pupils from Y7-9 were read to from Tom Palmer’s ‘Small Steps’. I have attached a copy for you to read and discuss with your child.  It always feels like a luxury to sit down and read for pleasure, but it is such an invaluable thing to do.  With all the technology available nowadays it is often something that we do not find time for, which is such a shame.

[Download not found]

On Wednesday 8th February parents and carers of pupils in Y8 are invited to our options fayre.  The event will start in PE3 at 5:30 followed by a presentation by Mrs Young, Deputy Head, in Hollinshead Hall at 6:15. 

Year 11 and Y13 are continuing to prepare for their external exams.  A reminder that if you are finding it hard to keep your child committed to their revision programme, please do get in touch so that we can offer advice and support.  We recognise that the exam period is a difficult time for everyone involved but we do have plenty of experience in this area.

Thank you to all parents who have been sharing achievements outside of school.  Please continue to do so. 

Good luck to anyone who is running the Alsager 5.  Once was enough for me.  It really did feel like a 5-mile sprint!

Congratulations to everyone who has stuck with their new year’s resolution and had a successful Dry January.

As always, thank you for your continued support and I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the final episode of Happy Valley on Sunday. It has seemed very nostalgic having to wait a full week to the next episode.

“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”(Mahatma Gandhi)

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  • 01270 871100