Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

We are seeing a gradual decline in the number of positive Covid cases.  Government guidance is clear in that schools should ventilate, continue with additional cleaning and encourage regular hand washing or use of hand sanitizer.  We are only able to deviate from this if we are advised to do so by PHE and Cheshire East.  Following advice, we have put assemblies on hold and we are continuing to employ more site staff to maintain continuous cleaning of frequent use hotspots.  I have written to our local MP, Fiona Bruce, this week to share my concerns with the current situation in schools.  There seems to be little recognition nationally of the impact that the virus continues to have in schools.  Our CO2 monitors have just arrived six weeks into the term and we are only scheduled for the vaccine for 12-15-year olds at the end of November.  We are again likely to see disparity across the country of numbers of children affected by the pandemic.  Some local authorities are advising that children in affected households self-isolate, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of their education.  If you are feeling frustrated by the situation, please do contact Fiona Bruce and share your concerns.  Her email address is:  It is really important that the Government is made aware of the impact that the virus continues to have so that appropriate action can be taken at a national level.  I will update you following my correspondence with her office. 

In other non Covid related news Year 13 are coming to the end of the first week of their mocks.  Although they sat mocks in Y11 it has been a while since they had such an intense period of assessments; I am sure they will welcome some rest over the weekend.  It is also a busy but exciting time for them as they prepare their university application forms and begin to make plans for life after sixth form.

It was great to see so many Y10 students involved in the college basketball competition on Wednesday.  There are many students who have not lost their competitive nature during lockdown and are eager to win points for the College Cup.  

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who have continued to share external achievements with me.  It is fascinating to hear of all the exciting things that our students are involved in outside of school and the commitment they have to their interests.  I am always full of admiration for the hours of training that many undertake. 

I hope you all have nice plans for the weekend and as always, thank you for your continued support.

“We see the future not as something out of our control, but as something we can shape for the better through concerted and collective effort.” (Barack Obama)

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