Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Good afternoon,

We have come to the end of another eventful half term and have a week ahead with the promise of some better weather.  This has certainly been a very rainy month. 

We said goodbye to our Y13 and Y11 students today.  They have been fantastic this year and have coped admirably with the changes to exams they have faced. I would like to wish all of our Y13 students all the best for life post Alsager School and thank all parents and carers for the support you have given over the past 7 years.  We are having a Y11 into Y12 transition fortnight in June to support our Y11 with their next steps post 16.  It would be lovely to see them all in our sixth form.  For those who are venturing further afield, I wish you all the best and thank all parents and carers for your support through what has been very turbulent times.  Having a Y13 or Y11 child off for an additional few weeks does have its benefits, so I hope that you are all setting lists for household chores.  

Thank you to everyone who has continued with the lateral flow testing.  A gentle reminder that the tests should be checked after 20-30 minutes and not later.  We have been informed by other schools that they have had positive cases reported but these have been when the tests have been checked later than the guidelines.  Tests will show up as positive if left longer than 30 minutes.  Positive cases in Cheshire East remain low which is reassuring but we still need to be vigilant and mindful of social distancing protocols. 

In the meantime, have a lovely half term and as always, thank you for your support this half term.

“Celebrate endings – for they precede new beginnings.” ( Jonathan Lockwood Huie)

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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871100