Message from Mrs O’Neill

News from Mrs O'Neill

Good afternoon,

I hope that you have all had a good week, despite the beautiful weather from the start of the week not holding. 

You may have seen on our social media that Tara in Y13 has been playing for Man Utd Women on a regular basis.  To compete at such a high level shows a real commitment.  Tara is extremely modest about this amazing achievement and we often find this with our students.  Please do let us know if your child has been involved in something special outside of school.  Even if they don’t want it publicised, I would enjoy chatting to them about it.

I imagine there were some parents/carers of Y8 pupils slightly disappointed yesterday when the pizza they were baking in Food Tech did not make it home.  Instead a small group brought it to Best Bite to have for lunch.  It did make me smile.  Alternatively, you may have been relieved! 

Year 12 students will have a post 18 focus day next Wednesday morning where they will look at further education options.  Under normal circumstances they would have taken part in higher education fairs at universities, but they will be able to get a flavour of what life is like once they leave school.

Extra-curricular sport has continued this week and it has been good to see that the sixth formers are getting involved with this, too.  The LRC continues to promote reading for pleasure with the introduction of e-books.  It was interesting to read this week that many young people have taken to reading the classics during lockdown; what a fantastic way to broaden knowledge of language and culture. 

I hope that you have some nice plans for the long weekend.  The weather forecast is not good so if you’re tempted to start some DIY and are thinking of redecorating, I hear that gold wallpaper is on special offer at John Lewis. Whatever your plans, have a lovely weekend and as always, thank you for your continued support.

“Be faithful to your own taste, because nothing you really like is ever out of style.”

(Billy Baldwin)

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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871100