Merger of Brine Multi Academy Trust and Alsager Multi Academy Trust – Update

News Announcement

As you are aware we recently consulted with all stakeholders on merging Alsager Multi Academy Trust (consisting of Alsager School, Alsager Highfields Primary School and Weston Primary School) with Brine Multi Academy Trust (consisting of Audlem St James Primary and Brine Leas School). This would create a Trust of five schools and a real chance to provide further opportunities for the benefit of our young people and staff. In addition, it will allow us to improve our schools even further through sharing expertise, resources, and staff.

Our application has been submitted and the Department for Education have asked us to share the attached letter and consultation opportunity with all parents / carers at the five schools involved. Details of how you can feedback, should you wish to, are included in the attached letter. 

Please remember this is a merger of equals and if it is approved, we plan to call the new Trust of five schools ‘The Cornovii Trust’. ‘Cornovii’ was the name given to the inhabitants of Cheshire, Staffordshire and Shropshire in Iron Age and Roman times. Our intention is for this Trust to remain local and serve these three areas.

Kind Regards

Richard Middlebrook

CEO of Alsager Multi Academy Trust

Interim CEO of Brine Multi Academy Trust

Stakeholder Engagement Letter

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