News Announcement

We are now in a position to provide details about the return to school for all pupils and the process for Covid 19 testing of asymptomatic students. 

Students in Y9-13 should return to school as normal on Monday 8th March.  Students in Y7-8 should return to school as normal on Tuesday 9th March.

In order for us to be able to do this we will start the mass testing programme, with Lateral Flow Devices (LFDs) on Tuesday 2nd March.  We have set an ambitious programme in order to enable our students to return to school as soon as possible. Full details for each year group will be sent out later today with a consent form.  Details will also be emailed to students in Y12 and y13 separately.

A video showing the process for taking a Lateral Flow test is available on our website.  I recommend that you watch it with your child.

It is important to note that this testing programme is voluntary.  Your child does not need to take an LFD test in order to be able to return to school when their year group is scheduled to return.  The process is optional.   The Government believes that the testing process is a valuable tool to break chains of transmission. 

Pupils in Y7-11 must have parental consent BEFORE taking the LFDs.

If you consent to your child having the test, they will need to take a total of 3 tests, each 3-5 days apart.  Your child must have a negative test result in order to be allowed into normal lessons. We aim to complete all testing over a two week period.  Your child will not be able to take the LFD without consent.  Once your child has taken 3 tests, they will be able to conduct tests at home with Home Kits, which will be despatched from school.

We have tried to make the process as straight forward as possible.  We have been very specific about times when pupils can come to school to take the tests and for some, these will be outside of the normal school hours.  We have done this in order for us to be able to get all students back into school as soon as possible.  At this stage we do not know how many pupils will take the tests and it may be that our plans will change.  I urge you to be patient whilst we implement our plans and any subsequent changes. 

Details about the tests will be sent out later today. 

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  • 01270 871100