For the Parents / Carers who are classified as ‘Key Workers’ or of ‘Vulnerable’ students

Only for the Parents / Carers who are classified as ‘Key Workers’ or of ‘Vulnerable’ students who will be using Alsager’s ‘Care’ provision as from Monday 23rd March

Dear Parent / Carer 

We are looking forward to supporting your son / daughter and your family through the difficult times that lie ahead. As from Monday 23rd March school is open as a ‘care provider’ only and you have indicated that you would like your child / children to be cared for during the day here at Alsager. We are very happy to do this and school staff have been brilliant in agreeing to offer this service and do what is right for the benefit of our community and nation. For those of you who are ‘key workers’, we will do everything we can to enable you to fulfil the critical job you are doing for us all. I am certainly not trying to discourage you from making use of this facility, however, I would like to make the following points as to what this ‘Alsager care’ will look like, as there seems to be some misunderstanding of this among some parents / carers;

·         Please only make use of this ‘care’ if you have to, government guidance remains that the safest thing to do is to keep your child at home and away from other people for risk of infection (‘social distancing’).

·         It will not be ‘normal school’ with ‘normal’ lessons – it will be ‘care’ and ‘supervision’. For much of the day, students will be completing the work that has been set for them  by their teachers.

·         It will not be a ‘social club’ or a chance to mingle and catch up with friends – the social distancing guidelines issued by the government will be enforced.

·         The day will run for normal school hours – 8.40am – 3.10pm.

·         School uniform is not required – pupils should wear comfortable clothes which are suitable for a range of activities.

·         Students will access the school in the morning from the ‘church gate’ and supervision will take place in the ‘Purcell Building’, 6th form area and canteen.

·         A register will be taken each morning. You can use this provision flexibly if you like, depending upon your family circumstances and work patterns. If you wish to do this please inform the school using e mail address.

·         Lunch will be provided on site free of charge for all. Students will not be allowed to leave the site at lunchtime.

·         This provision will continue over the school Easter holidays (6/4 – 17/4) but this will be for the children of key workers only

·         If your child starts to display any symptoms of Covid-19 please do not send them into school, inform and follow government guidelines in terms of isolation.

This care provision is to support you, your child but more importantly help us a nation tackle the crisis we are facing and we will do whatever we can to help you. If you have any further questions please contact your son / daughters Head of College via e mail or use the e mail address.

Kind regards

Richard Middlebrook

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