

Engagement SPARX Maths for revision, has proven to increase performance between the November Mock and the March Mock. Students who have put their SPARX feedback sheets on the wall from the mocks and used the colour coding to guide their revision have had a significant boost in their confidence, when answering questions independently in exam conditions. 


We strongly encourage SPARX as a vital tool for revision. It is tailored to the students needs and the more engagement they have with the software, the more it responds to what they need. This also allows teachers to gain valuable insights into how to support students further as it gives a report on what skills need to be revised in lessons with teacher input.  


Please encourage your child to engage with weekly SPARX homework and also use this as a tool for revision. 


Maths Essential Study Packs

These are available to buy on parent pay and are being filtered into lessons for revision purposes. It consists of numerous past papers and shadow papers, that students can write on, annotate and get feedback with from their class teacher. It is heavily subsidised by the Maths department, but your contribution towards these packs, would allow your child to take full advantage of the past paper resources in lesson time and for home learning. 

Alsager School
Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Alsager School
Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.