
Being online is an integral part of young people’s lives. Social media, online games, websites and apps help our children to connect with their peers and the wider world. The internet and online technology provides new opportunities for young people to learn and grow, but it can also expose them to new types of risk.

Our approach at Alsager school is to minimize this risk. E-safety or online safety forms a fundamental part of our schools’ safeguarding and child protection measures. The school has in place both the technology and processes to protect children while using the internet in school. Access to the internet is filtered, what they access or try to access is tracked and records are maintained of their computer use including e-mails being sent and received. Online safety advice is shared in lessons and formal lessons about how to stay safe online are part of our curriculum. Students are also taught what to do should a problem arise online so it can be dealt with appropriately.

Acceptable Use Agreement

All users of the schools ICT facilities and the internet are expected to sign an agreement regarding the acceptable use of these facilities. This can be viewed in our E safety policy https://www.alsagerschool.org/key-policies-statements/.

Keeping your child safe on-line

 Do you ever feel that your children know more about online technologies than you do? You are not alone. Staying up to date with new technology can be overwhelming and knowing exactly how to ensure we can keep children safe online presents a real challenge.

You may wish to consider the following advice:

  • Stay in touch with what your children are doing by spending time with them whilst they are on-line.
  • If they have a mobile phone, please monitor it closely.
  • Make sure you know the services, apps and games your child accesses.
  • Better still, learn how to access them yourself-ask your child to explain how to do this so that you are familiar with and understand the potential benefits and risks.
  • Consider using filtering software in your home and on their phones and tablets.
  • Talk to your child and ensure they know what to do should they encounter problems. They should always tell you if something makes them feel uncomfortable online.

There is a wealth of advice and support available to help keep us all safe and up to date. Below are some links to useful websites as a starting point.



Attendance – School Avoidance Parents Guide


Call of Duty

Cross Platform Sharing

Echo Chambers



Google Chromebook

Group Chat 

How to Combat Bullying Online



Kindle Fire

Looking After Your Wellbeing Online

Loot Boxes

Manage Device Stress and Anxiety

Mental Health Support


Money Muling


OFCOM Media Use and Attitudes Report

Open Discussions About Digital Lives 


Safe & Healthy Online Habits



Smart Watches

Social Media and Mental Health





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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org