COVID19: LA Education Newsflash

COVID-19 News

Please find below a Covid update from Cheshire East.  I would like to reassure all members of our school community that the safety of everyone at Alsager School is our priority and I continue to liaise with Cheshire East to implement additional protective measures, when advised to do so.  Should we be asked to revert to wearing face coverings, I will communicate this with you all.

Letter to Parents and Carers – 12 Oct 2021

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FAQ re. Household contacts 

Is this national or local guidance?

The advice about pupils staying at home is local advice given by the Directors of Public Health and Education as a temporary measure in response to the high number of cases in schools.

When does the stay at home period start?

Pupils should stay at home for 5 days from the onset of the first symptoms in the house or the first positive test, whichever is the earliest.

Do staff have to stay at home?

Staff who are not fully vaccinated are not exempt from isolation and so should be supported to isolate as close contacts of a case in their household. 

Fully vaccinated staff are exempt from isolation and are more likely to be able to put in control measures such as wearing a face covering, maintaining distance and avoid gathering with others that pupils. Therefore, they are advised to get a PCR test but can remain to school and carry out daily LFT while members of their household isolate. Schools are advised to liaise with staff members about their role and put in any specific modifications required. 

What about pupils and sixth formers who have been vaccinated?

If the vaccine was more than 14 days ago, they can continue to attend but should take daily LFT.

What if a person has previously tested positive?

If an adult/child has tested positive by PCR in the last 90 days they can continue to attend unless they have any new symptoms, in which case they should isolate and book a PCR test.

What happens after day 5?

If the child is well and symptom free, they can return. Pupils in Y7 and above should take daily LFT for a further 5 days. Other adults in the household who are asymptomatic can continue to test via LFT. Primary age children can return to school and the school should maintain any measures appropriate to the number of cases in the school.

Can children attend out of school clubs

No, they are advised to limit contact 

How should pupils be marked on the register?

Pupils acting on this advice should have access to good quality education but should be marked with an X code – 

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  • 01270 871100