Covid Update for the Easter Holidays

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Please see below for details of what to do if your child tests positive for Covid 19 during the Easter holidays and how we will respond.

Covid 19 update for the Easter holidays.

If any member of your household is displaying any of the 3 main Covid 19 symptoms you must all self-isolate and await test results. 

Your child must only get a Covid19 test if they have any of the 3 main symptoms or they get a positive result from a LFD test (home test kit). 

What to do if your child gets a positive LFD test:

If your child gets a positive result from a LFD test (home test kit) on or up to Saturday 3rd April, you must inform us straightaway so that we can contact students your child had close contact with and advise them to self-isolate. We will access the email account up to and including Saturday 3rd April. 

What to do if your child develops Covid symptoms:

Your child must book in for a PCR test

If your child develops symptoms on or up to Saturday 3rd April, you must inform us as soon as you have PCR test results so that we can contact students your child had close contact with and advise them that they must self-isolate.  We will access the email account up to and including Saturday 3rd April. 

If your child develops symptoms from Sunday 4th April onwards, you must inform us as soon as you have the PCR test results, but we will not need to contact any students as close contacts to advise them of the need to self-isolate. 

If your child gets a positive result on a LFD test, you must contact us and you must book a PCR test for your child.  on receiving the result o the PCR test, please contact the school with the result.  The PCR result overrides the LFD test result. 

When contacting the email address, please provide the information below to enable us to take the appropriate action.

  • Date symptoms started:
  • Date last in school:
  • Date of test: 
  • Please indicate whether the test is LFD (home test kit) or PCR.  If your child receives a positive result from a LFD test, you must book a PCR test. 

We will contact you as soon as possible, but please be advised that we do not run a 24-hour service.  We ask that you do not share details of the results on social media and await contact from the school.

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