Alsager School is delighted to be celebrating the successes of our year 13 students.  This year group have had a very unique sixth form experience, having had to get to grips with online learning at various points throughout their course.  They have shown real resilience 
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Good morning, I feel that this message should come with a fanfare in that we have made it to the end of the academic year.  It is such a shame that so many are now self-isolating and have missed out on the end of term 
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A reminder to parents/carers that the school will close at 12:05pm on Friday, July 16th. The bus companies have been notified.
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We were so close to dodging the Delta variant but this week has seen an increase of cases in the local community which have spilled over into school.  It has possibly been inevitable with many people having larger gatherings to watch the football.  In the 
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We are pleased to announce the appointment of the Student Leadership Team for the academic year 2021-22.All current year 12 students who applied for the roles were interviewed by Mrs Pole and Mr Evans; the standard of the interviews was outstanding.We are very much looking 
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We are delighted with the success of our first Year 10 Virtual Careers Focus Day on Wednesday 30th June.  Prior to the event, Year 10 students were able to choose their personal preferences from a possible 23 inspirational sessions and were then given their own personalised itinerary for the day, 
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100