Letter to Y13 students:  Following the controversial awarding of A level grades through a mixture of centre assessed grades and an algorithm,  the Government has agreed to revert to centre assessed grades only.  We firmly believe that this is the right decision.  Your teachers have 
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We are delighted to be celebrating the successes of our year 13 students.  Their time at Alsager Sixth Form came to a very abrupt end on March 20th and the cancellation of exams will undoubtedly have been a huge shock to them all.  We are extremely 
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A reminder that A level results day is on Thursday 13th August.  Due to social distancing restrictions we can only allow a certain number of students in at any one time.  You have been allocated a time according to your last name.  Please see below for 
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Even though we were unable to hold our annual prom this year we still wanted to celebrate student success and therefore decided to hand out the subject awards virtually. We heartily congratulate the students on achieving these awards. Their hard work, passion for the subject 
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A big thank you to everyone who bought one of our NHS tee-shirts. You helped to raise £609.50 for the NHS charities. A big thank you also to Mike at Hotpress Apparel for all his support in printing the tee-shirts.
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Dear Parent/Carer The Local Authority has asked us to send out a short survey to understand your child’s current travel arrangements to school and to help plan for September 2020.  The link to the survey ishttps://surveys.cheshireeast.gov.uk/s/HTSSScondary/ We ask for your support in completing the survey 
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Contact Alsager School
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org