Ofsted Inspection of Alsager School Tues 14th September and Weds 15th September 2021 We have been informed today that Ofsted will be conducting a Section 8 Inspection of the school on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Can I please direct all parents and carers to 
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Please find the download link below for the Year 11 Transition PowerPoint Presentation. The presentation replaces a calendared event for tonight 09/09/21
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A reminder that school will close early on Friday, September 24th at 12:05 in order to make the necessary arrangements for our Open Morning which is taking place on Saturday, September 25th Sandwiches will be available for pupils who would like or who are entitled to lunch 
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Mass testing starts on Tuesday 31st August. Please check the schedule. School re-opens to years 7 and 12 only on Thursday, September 2nd 2021 at 8:40am. Year 7 should line up on the yard where they will be met by their form tutors. Year 12 
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It was great to see our new Y7 parents today.  The presentations are available to download below.  Details of the mass testing are also available on our website.  We will send out additional information on mass testing tomorrow for new Y7 parents.  Dod Parent Presentation 
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As you may know, from September 2021 students in years 10/11 have the option to go off site at lunchtime, unless permission is withdrawn from the school or from parents/carers.   We feel our older students are mature and responsible enough to leave the school site and trust 
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Contact Alsager School
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org