Dod College ‘Bake-Off’ and Christmas Fayre were a great success this morning. Many thanks to Sofia’s mum who donated a fabulous reindeer cake to help with the fundraising!
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Today we were visited by three third year Journalism students from Staffordshire University. They delivered workshops to some of our year 8 and 9 students exploring different types of journalism, discussing careers in journalism and encouraging Alsager students to enter a competition run by Staffordshire 
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Congratulations to year 13 students for completing the Alsager Research Project. With a range of topics covered from Chemistry, Physics, German, Sociology and many more, they presented their findings to their peers, parents, governors and staff with passion and enthusiasm. Miss Ahmed, Assistant Progress Leader, said: “Students did a 
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The LRC were delighted today to welcome our Literacy Laureate,  Jon Mayhew, to work with our year 7s. The whole year group met Jon in the hall when he discussed his books, his journey into reading and introduced the ‘Monsters’ competition that will be launched 
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There will be an itinerary planning meeting for all the students participating in the expedition on Tuesday 10th December starting at 2.10pm. The students, together with the staff travelling with them, will be planning a number of aspects of the trip.  These will include, not 
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This December the kindness calendar has daily suggested actions to help spread more kindness in the world. The run up to Christmas can be a busy and fun time for many of us, but it’s important that we remember and appreciate that Christmas can often 
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  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122