You may have started with the job of sorting out uniform for September.  If you have any items of school uniform that your child has outgrown or no longer has a need for, we would be grateful if you could drop it off at the 
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Many of you will have been delighted to hear the news last week that schools will be open for all students from September.  We are really looking forward to seeing all of our students again.   We have had an increasing number in school over the 
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Congratulations to year 10 students, Ellie & Helena, who both won prizes in a competition AstraZeneca launched after the Learn Live session that the school linked up to earlier in lockdown. In the live link up the scientists talked to the students about their jobs, 
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“Nature is written in mathematical language.” – Galileo Galilei Patterns appear in so much of what we see around us. As humans we seem to be attracted to these patterns and have developed mathematics to explain all that we observe. Whether it is studying the geometry 
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We are pleased to be able to offer the following dates in August as part of our reformed transition programme.  Year 6 pupils will be able to come to school to meet their form tutor, Head of College and Mrs O’Neill, Head of School. Due 
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Information regarding the collection of GCSE and A Level results will be released shortly.  We are making every effort to ensure the procedure follows government guidelines on social distancing while providing Year 13 and 11 students the opportunity to discuss next steps with staff on 
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122