We are now entering the time of year when children typically start to get colds. If a child has a cold they can still attend school. In line with government guidance, if a child is displaying the symptoms of Covid 19 they must self-isolate and 
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Please find the download link below for the Year 8 & 9 Transition Power Point Presentation:
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Please find the download link below for the Year 11 Transition Power Point Presentation:
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Please find the download link below for the Year 10 Transition Power Point Presentation:
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PRESS RELEASE A joint statement from the Chairs of Alsager Town Council, North Staffs Rail Promotion Group and North Staffs Community Rail Partnership From: North Staffs Community Rail Partnership c/o Claire Sandys, Community Rail Partnership Officer claire.sandys@stoke.gov.uk 07879 115698 East Midlands Railway withdraws rail service 
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We will not be hosting our normal transition evenings in school this week for Y8-13.  We will send out a PowerPoint presentation with audio.  Thank you for your understanding with this.
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org