On Monday, three of our year 7 English classes were visited by the author Phil Perry.This term year 7 have been completing a scheme of work on war fiction in their English lessons and Mr Perry delivered workshops to the students on his books ‘The 
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Our class of 2019 celebrated their exceptional GCSE and BTEC successes at Christ Church, Alsager on Wednesday 11th December. Alongside students receiving their GCSE certificates, a variety of special awards were presented to students who had shown exemplary determination throughout their journey at Alsager. Students 
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As we head towards the Christmas holidays, a gentle reminder that we expect all of our students to comply with our uniform standards at all times.  Sanctions will be applied to all students who are not meeting our standards.  Our uniform policy has been reiterated 
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We had an amazing standard of entry this year for our legendary ‘Dod Christmas Bake-Off’. There were frosted cupcakes, a sumptuous chocolate gateau and a quirky snow men armed with candy canes.  Students showcased three different sponges, crispy cake tiers and melt in the mouth 
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Antibiotic awareness week in the UK was 18th – 22nd  November.  As part of lessons that week, some KS3 and KS4 science classes were taught using resources produced by the company Pfizer.  They designed these resources to be used in schools to promote the awareness 
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Congratulations to our students with the top BFL grades from 5/11/19-29/11/19
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org