Dear Parents / Carers I hope you and your families are safe and well, enjoyed the half term and the fantastic weather we have been blessed with recently. I have e mailed year 10 and 12 parents / carers separately regarding the upcoming extension of 
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Thank you to parents/carers of the new starters 2020 (new year 7) who have completed the online admissions data forms. We are still missing some for a few new students, if parents/carers who have not completed the online form could please do so asap we 
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Week commencing 18th May marked a very busy week for Alsager students in careers education as they participated in an innovative virtual ‘Paving the Way’ Careers Festival, launched by The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge and hosted by the Local Enterprise Partnership via the Learn Live 
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NHS Alsager School T-shirt raising funds for NHS Charities Together We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to purchase NHS Alsager School T-shirts for £12 including postage. The t-shirt has been designed by Zoe Riley in Year 10. All profits from the sale of 
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At Alsager School we pride ourselves on offering a varied and exciting curriculum across all key stages ranging from ‘How Has Humanities Changed the World’ in Key Stage 3 to ‘Challenges of an Urbanizing World’ and ‘Hazardous Earth’ in Key Stage 4.  For me the 
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Due to closures in general with regard to Covid-19, we thought you would appreciate an update with regard to sourcing uniform for Alsager School.  We can confirm that you can purchase items of uniform from any of our four stockists, (details below).   1. ALSAGER & SANDBACH 
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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871122