Dear Parent/Carer There will be an opportunity for any year 7 student that still has to return their locker key, to come to school on Thursday 16th July.  Students will be able to access their locker to empty it and return the key to the 
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Please find enclosed details of when and where to collect your calculated A level/GCSE/BTEC results. The calculated grade is the most likely grade that a student would have achieved had the exams gone ahead.  Grades have been based on a range of evidence including mock exams, 
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Our Science faculty lead the way in promoting STEM careers for our students. It is fantastic to have their hard work recognised, and to see the impact embedding careers into the curriculum can have when working in collaboration with STEM employers.
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You may have started with the job of sorting out uniform for September.  If you have any items of school uniform that your child has outgrown or no longer has a need for, we would be grateful if you could drop it off at the 
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Many of you will have been delighted to hear the news last week that schools will be open for all students from September.  We are really looking forward to seeing all of our students again.   We have had an increasing number in school over the 
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Congratulations to year 10 students, Ellie & Helena, who both won prizes in a competition AstraZeneca launched after the Learn Live session that the school linked up to earlier in lockdown. In the live link up the scientists talked to the students about their jobs, 
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100