Today we have been celebrating Hello Yellow. ‘Hello Yellow’ is a national day where we promote mental health awareness. By wearing yellow, we want to show young people that everyone has a mental health and that they are not alone if ever they are dealing 
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Public Heath England have confirmed a case of coronavirus at Alsager School. Below are some questions that have been sent in. How many cases of Coronavirus have been confirmed? Late on Sunday we were informed of a positive case in Year 11.  The infected person will 
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You will be aware that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the school. I have liaised with Public Health England and would like to thank you for your patience and understanding whilst we deal with this.  We know that you may find 
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We are aware of a positive Covid case in Y13 but the affected student had been self-isolating since Tuesday of last week.  We follow all advice from Cheshire East and Public Health England to ensure the safety of our students and staff and will always 
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We have been informed this evening of a positive Covid case in Year 11. We have taken advice and are taking the precautionary measure for all of Year 11 to stay at home on Monday. We will be investigating this further with Public Health England 
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Unfortunately, due to the current circumstances our Learning support coffee morning for Year 7 parents, which was due to take place on Thursday 8th Oct cannot run as intended. Therefore, we will be holding a virtual coffee morning on Microsoft Teams for new year 7 
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