I hope that you have all had a good week.  We are now two thirds of the way through November and whilst I have yet to have a mince pie or slice of stollen, having just opened the third tub of Cadbury’s Heroes, I already 
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This month eighteen year 12 students entered the UKMT Senior Mathematical Challenge. The Senior Mathematical Challenge is a 90-minute competition aimed at sixth form students across the UK.It encourages mathematical reasoning, precision of thought, and fluency in using basic mathematical techniques to solve interesting problems. 
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Year 7 have completed letter writing in their Geography lessons highlighting their concerns about the environment and plastic pollution.  Mr Pearce sent off some letters from his class to the Prime Minister and Year 7 were excited to receive a reply this week.  Well done 
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Many thanks to those parents/carers who have expressed an interest in the parent governor vacancy.  All interested parties who have come forward to date, (who have requested a call with Mrs O’Neill) will have been contacted by the end of the day on Monday, November 
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We have been informed of a positive Covid 19 test result in Y11.  All close contacts will be contacted by email in the next hour.  Please check emails.  Whilst we have had a number of cases in Y11 this week, they have all come from 
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Hats off to all of the local Alsager residents who have gone early on Christmas lights.  They have brightened the town up and created a far more pleasant atmosphere during this second lockdown.  I have full admiration for those who have even put up their 
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  • 01270 871100
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org