We are delighted with the success of our first Year 10 Virtual Careers Focus Day on Wednesday 30th June.  Prior to the event, Year 10 students were able to choose their personal preferences from a possible 23 inspirational sessions and were then given their own personalised itinerary for the day, 
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We have come to the end of an exciting week, having had sports days for years 7-9.  The week did not start off well with us having to postpone the Year 10 session, but we have been able to move it to another day.  The 
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Welcome back to our Cheshire Mental Health Support Teams (MHSTs) newsletter. This is our regular update from the local team supporting Cheshire schools and colleges with all things mental wellbeing.We’d really appreciate you sharing this with your young people, families and wider networks. If you have 
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The Alsager School ‘Sex and Relationship Education (SRE) Policy’ is open for consultation (please download the file below). If you would like to provide comments or feedback on this policy please email sre@alsagerschool.org by Friday, 9th July 2021.
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Parents/Carers of Year 7 joining us in September. A Guide for Parents booklet has been posted today so should reach you in coming days. Other key documents are enclosed including your unique ParentPay activation code, details of a visit to school for parents and how 
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As we are not able to host our face-to-face Year 6 parent/carer meetings scheduled for week commencing June 28th 2021 please download the audio presentations below which include a greeting from Mr Middlebrook, Executive Head and a presentation by Mrs O’Neill, Head of School. Year 6 
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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org