A reminder that school will close early on Friday, September 24th at 12:05 in order to make the necessary arrangements for our Open Morning which is taking place on Saturday, September 25th Sandwiches will be available for pupils who would like or who are entitled to lunch 
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Please find the download link below for the Year 12 Transition Power Point Presentation. The presentation is for parents whose children have joined our sixth form this year and replaces a calendared event for tonight 7/7/21
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I hope you have all managed to have a relaxing summer and are ready to embrace the new academic year.  It has been lovely to have all of the students back and they have all slipped seamlessly into the pre Covid routines.  It has been 
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Transition Evenings: To enable a smooth transition from one school year to another, a transition video detailing all key information for the academic year will be made available for parents and carers on the dates below from 6pm onwards.  Year 12 – Tuesday 7th September  Year 
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Mass testing starts on Tuesday 31st August. Please check the schedule. School re-opens to years 7 and 12 only on Thursday, September 2nd 2021 at 8:40am. Year 7 should line up on the yard where they will be met by their form tutors. Year 12 
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New Starters: if you would like your child to take part in the mass testing programme  and have not already submitted a consent form please complete and return the consent form by Tuesday 31st August.  Staff will be available in the drama theatre attached to the leisure 
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  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org