Our Practical Strategies Webinars are intended for you to find out information and ideas about managing some of the “uncomfortable” emotions which we all experience and which are so common during the teenage years.  They are open to young people aged 11+. If you have 
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National Apprenticeship Week takes place from 7th to 13th February 2022. It aims to highlight the exceptional work being done by employers and apprentices across the country. The theme for National Apprenticeship Week 2022 is ‘build the future’; reflecting on how apprenticeships can help individuals to 
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It is a relief to get out of January; a month that always seems ridiculously long.  Y10 pupils have been preparing for their English speaking and listening assessments this week.   The topics they have chosen are insightful.  Many have chosen current issues, such as environmental 
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Dear AMAT Pupil / Parent or Carer and Community Stakeholder  For the last 18 months, Trustees from AMAT and Mr Middlebrook have been working closely with representatives from Brine MAT with regards to a possible ‘merger’ of the two organisations.  Brine MAT, consisting of Brine 
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I hope that you have all had a productive week.  I wonder how many of us are spending our days thinking of 5 letter words.  I have recently added Wordle to my daily routine and am absolutely loving it.  For those of you who enjoy 
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Have you ever considered becoming a School Community Governor?  The local governing body of Alsager School, part of Alsager Multi Academy Trust have a vacancy for a community governor and are looking to recruit an individual with the skills, enthusiasm and experience who would like to volunteer 
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  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • admin@alsagerschool.org
Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org