Just to advise that we will be writing to you very soon with regard to your child’s offered place for our Year 7 intake in September 2020.  Please don’t worry if you don’t hear from us for a few weeks.  If you have accepted your 
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Only for the Parents / Carers who are classified as ‘Key Workers’ or of ‘Vulnerable’ students who will be using Alsager’s ‘Care’ provision as from Monday 23rd March Dear Parent / Carer  We are looking forward to supporting your son / daughter and your family through 
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Dear Parents / Carers As you are aware as from Monday 23/3/20, school is only open to ‘vulnerable pupils’ and the children of ‘key workers’. It is closed to all other pupils. We will be in touch over the next day or so with families of 
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Dear Parents / Carers At the time of writing we are still awaiting further guidance from the government on key details but as a school we are receiving a lot of calls from parents wanting further clarification. Please be patient with us, while we wait 
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In light of the announcement yesterday, the RE revision session after school will not be taking place. 
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Dear Parents / Carers This is a very short update following the announcement this evening by the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Education about the changing role of schools in the weeks and months ahead. I am sure, like me, you are still 
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  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org