#Geogglebox – A new list of geography related programmes will be added each week.
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Please understand that tomorrow’s school opening is for EMERGENCY childcare ONLY. Please keep your child at home to avoid the spread of the virus. Older siblings can look after younger siblings.  Please support staff as much as you can in these difficult times.
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Dear Parents / Carers I hope you and your families are well after what has been a very difficult and strange weekend. Can I please urge you and your families to follow the government guidelines on ‘social distancing’, some of the images in the news 
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You should only send your child to school if you have to, because your work is critical to our COVID-19 response. If you are able to keep your child at home, you should.
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Dear Parents / Carers of Year 11 and Year 13 students                 This afternoon the government issued preliminary guidance on how this year’s GCSE and A level grades will be awarded and I thought it was right to share this with you as soon as 
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Dear Parent / Carer, Many thanks for your understanding and patience over recent days, as a school we have had to react very quickly to the sudden announcement of our closure today (20/3) and our opening as a ‘care provider’ on 23/3. I would like 
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  • 01270 871122
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org