We are looking forward to welcoming all students back on Wednesday 2nd September. Year 7 and 12 should arrive on site by 8:35. Years 8,9,10,11 and 13 should be on site by 11:05. You will not be allowed on site before 10:55. All students must …
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 the school will no longer be able to accept cash. The school uses ParentPay online payments system to allow you to pay money into a student’s cashless catering account. Also to facilitate payments for educational visits and other …
There were lots of smiling faces today at Alsager School when Year 11 came to collect their GCSEs. The atmosphere in school was joyous despite all of the confusion of the past week surrounding the way in which GCSEs were to be awarded. Students at Alsager School …
We are expecting an unprecedented number of applications to our sixth from so you must return the confirmation form which will be in your pack by Monday 24th August. If you wish to change course(s) we will not be able to confirm places until Wednesday 26th August.
Following further information received from the exam boards yesterday, I can confirm that the grade students will receive on Thursday will be a ‘moderated grade’, which will either match or be higher than the centre assessed grade. Exam boards have reviewed the centre assessed grades …
Good afternoon Year 11, I am writing to you regarding the recent Government announcement surrounding the awarding of A level and GCSE grades. Following the controversial awarding of A level grades through a mixture of centre assessed grades and an algorithm, the Government has agreed …