Following confirmation this afternoon of a confirmed Covid 19 case in Y11, we have contacted all ‘close contacts’ via parent mail to tell them to self-isolate.  Please check your emails to see whether your child is affected by this.  If you have not received the 
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Congratulations to our new set of subject stars
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Year 7 look at the link between the humanities, History, RE and Geography. It is about how the humanities have changed the world. History looks at everything from vaccines to the discovery of chocolate, Geography looks at plastic pollution and RE looks at things from 
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Good afternoon,  I would like to thank you all for your response to the late message we sent out on Monday evening regarding a positive Covid 19 case in Year 11. On this occasion it was necessary to ask all students to self-isolate to allow 
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We have been informed of a positive Covid 19 case in Y11.  Due to the late hour we are asking that all Y11 students stay at home tomorrow (Tuesday) so that we can liaise with the affected student to ascertain a list of close contacts.  
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Good morning,  I hope that you all managed to have a restful half term.  The number of Covid 19 cases across Alsager is surprisingly high and therefore the announcement of a national lockdown should not have been a surprise.  I have everything crossed that we 
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