Many thanks to those parents/carers who have expressed an interest in the parent governor vacancy.  All interested parties who have come forward to date, (who have requested a call with Mrs O’Neill) will have been contacted by the end of the day on Monday, November 
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We have been informed of a positive Covid 19 test result in Y11.  All close contacts will be contacted by email in the next hour.  Please check emails.  Whilst we have had a number of cases in Y11 this week, they have all come from 
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Hats off to all of the local Alsager residents who have gone early on Christmas lights.  They have brightened the town up and created a far more pleasant atmosphere during this second lockdown.  I have full admiration for those who have even put up their 
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Year 7 enjoyed sharing their hobbies, talents, achievements and interests with their form groups yesterday. It is a great way of getting to know each other better and discover more about their new friends.
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The History of Alsager School: A Personal Reflection Alsager School is delighted that former Deputy Head and current Chair of Governors, Lindsay Purcell, has written a book about his personal reflections of the history of the school from 1952 up to the current day.   Lindsay says: “With 
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Do not send your child to school if a member of your household has Covid 19 symptoms.Do not send your child to school if a member of your household is awaiting Covid 19 test results.
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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871122