Good afternoon, I would like to thank you all for your support this term and helping the students make a smooth transition from lockdown learning back into the classroom.  As I said last week, the students are in need of a rest but have shown 
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Please see below for details of what to do if your child tests positive for Covid 19 during the Easter holidays and how we will respond. Covid 19 update for the Easter holidays. If any member of your household is displaying any of the 3 
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Good afternoon,  Although we have only been back in the school building for three weeks, this has been a long term and we are starting to see students who look like they are in need of a rest.  This will not be made any easier 
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Thank you for your patience today whilst we dealt with the positive Covid 19 case in Year 7.  All close contacts have now been contacted.  If you have not received a letter your child should return to school as normal on Tuesday 23rd March.  If your 
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Good afternoon, I am sure that there have been many conversations this week that have started with the phrase ‘do you remember this time last year’, all relating to days preceding the first lockdown.  This week the Cheltenham Festival was a virtual event and for 
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Congratulations to our latest 6th Form Subject Stars
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  • 01270 871100
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  • 01270 871122