Parents/Carers of Year 7 joining us in September. A Guide for Parents booklet has been posted today so should reach you in coming days. Other key documents are enclosed including your unique ParentPay activation code, details of a visit to school for parents and how 
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As we are not able to host our face-to-face Year 6 parent/carer meetings scheduled for week commencing June 28th 2021 please download the audio presentations below which include a greeting from Mr Middlebrook, Executive Head and a presentation by Mrs O’Neill, Head of School. Year 6 
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A reminder that due to the Government’s decision on Monday, June 14th to maintain the current Covid 19 restrictions, we are not able to host our face-to-face Year 6 parent/carer meetings scheduled for week commencing June 28th 2021.  A virtual presentation will be shortly uploaded to our 
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It has felt over the past few weeks like being Indiana Jones in the boulder chase scene of ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’ but instead of a giant boulder, we are being hunted down by the Delta variant.  As I said last week, Cheshire East 
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We have had another busy week in school.  The Year 11 pupils have been able to experience what life is like in A6 this week and it has been lovely to see so many of them return after what has been a very prolongued period 
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Due to the Government’s decision on Monday to maintain the current Covid 19 restrictions, we are not able to host our face to face Y6 parent meetings.  Details of how we will conduct these will be shared next week.  We apologise for this inconvenience.
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