Good afternoon, We had a very good uptake for the mass testing today.   All students who took part will come home with an additional 6 tests.  I believe LFDs are like gold dust at the moment but please do continue with twice weekly testing.  The 
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CEIAS stands for the Cheshire East Information, Advice and Support Team – they offer free confidential support and information to children and young people with SEND, their parents and or their carers. They aim to ensure that parents/carers feel more informed and are able to be fully 
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I hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas break and have managed to enjoy the season and have remained in good health. We start back at school tomorrow morning at 8:40 am. We are going to be running our Covid-19 self-testing schedule throughout the day 
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I’d like to wish you all a very merry Christmas and I hope that 2022 brings you joy.  We have finally made it to the end of term.  I know that many of you will have been putting up with tired teenagers for the past 
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A reminder that school will close early on Friday, December 17th at 12:05·        Sandwiches will be available for pupils who would like them or who are entitled to a free lunch.  Pupils should inform the canteen in advance if they wish to order sandwiches. Please be 
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To party or not to party?  That seems to be the question this week.  It is nice to finally be in December when we can really start to look forward to festivities, whatever they will be.  As predicted, there are some fantastic light displays around 
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