What a difference sunny weather makes.  Today has been a beautiful spring day and has brought with it some very cheerful staff and students.  Trending on Twitter this week is children of the 70’s sharing their experiences of growing up, with some great throwback photos.  
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Next Young Carers after school session will be on Monday 21st March, 3.15-4.45pm in JB4. If you have any questions or want to talk to someone about Young Carers, please contact our school champions.
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Alsager School is working with local charity, Cheshire Food Hub, to collect items for Ukrainian refugees in Poland. Non-perishable food and high demand items, such as nappies and sanitary products, will be gratefully received.Donations can be taken to Miss Jardine’s office on Parker Ground until 
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This National Careers Week you can hear from a whole host of careers experts, apprenticeship providers, and unis to help discover possibilities for the future.   A helpful range of resources can be found below that showcase the different activities taking place over this week to help both students 
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The Rotary Club of Alsager are hosting a concert on Friday 25th March at school featuring Denise Leigh and Stefan Andrusyschyn, alongside our brilliant vocal groups.All monies raised will be shared between Rotary International charities and local youth opportunities with particular focus on Alsager School.Ticket 
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Year 10 GCSE students excelled themselves in the regional heats of The Rotary Club Young Chef competition.  With a £20 budget and following healthy eating guidelines, the students had to plan, prepare, and cook a two-course meal for two people in 90 minutes. Three Rotarians from 
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  • 01270 871122
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