A Level Results Day

Alsager Sixth Form students are celebrating their fantastic A level and BTEC results.  Despite the news over the past few weeks that the grade boundaries would return to the 2019 standards, resulting in a reduction in the number of high grades awarded, there has been an abundance of top grades, with many students having a full suite of A*/A grades.  This cohort have had a particularly challenging few years, but their hard work coupled with the outstanding support from all staff is reflected in their amazing achievements and the school are really proud of them.   

Many students who have secured places at university have opted for science degrees; three students have been accepted onto Medicine courses; one student is taking up Chemistry with Molecular Physics at Imperial College London and another opting for Biological Science with a focus on Neuroscience. There has been an increase in students studying closer to home with University of Keele, University of Manchester, MMU and Staffordshire University being popular destinations this year.  The biggest change this year is the number of students taking apprenticeships, including degree level apprenticeships. 

Mrs Pole, Director of Sixth Form, said: “We have seen a change in the post-18 landscape over the past few years with many more students going on to top level apprenticeships.  Historically we would have a couple of students heading off to Bentley or Barclays but this year our students have secured high quality placements at Astra Zeneca, Bank of America, BAE Systems, KMF and a joinery apprenticeship. We are fortunate to have a strong sixth form administration team who can help all our students with the next phase of their lives.” 

Mrs O’Neill, Headteacher, said: “Our students should feel extremely proud of their achievements, and they really do reflect the hard work that they put into their studies over the past two years. These are students who have been affected by a very tumultuous time in education, but I am amazed at the resilience they have shown; it is fantastic to see them making the most of their opportunities and I’d like to thank all staff and parents and carers who have made this all possible. We will miss the class of 2023, but we wish them all well for their future endeavors.” 

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Contact the Sixth form
  • Hassall Road, Alsager, ST7 2HR
  • 01270 871100
  • sixthform@alsagerschool.org