
Literacy is the combination of the reading, writing, speaking and listening skills we all need to fulfil our potential. 

We accept the fundamental principle that literacy is the key to improving learning and raising standards; it enables students to gain access to the subjects studied in schools, to read for information and pleasure, and to communicate effectively in both written and spoken contexts.

literacy lesson

 In the words of Kofi Annan, Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.  Poor levels of literacy impact negatively on student learning and self-perception. Good levels of literacy directly correlate with academic success, future employment prospects and quality of life.  Literacy is therefore an integral component of Teaching and Learning across the curriculum at Alsager School.

Reading Culture 

Alsager School is proud of the reading culture it has cultivated.  We understand that reading for pleasure benefits a child’s education alongside their social and cognitive development, wellbeing, and mental health.

Staff from all subject areas taking every opportunity to read to our students, timetabled reading lessons in the LRC, our literacy laureate, extreme reading challenges and the celebration of World Book Day and National Poetry Day all help to foster a love of reading.

Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Alsager School
Mr Middlebrook
An Achieving School; A Caring Community” underpins our approach in education.
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School
Mrs O'Neill
Alsager School is a fantastic community where we foster kindness and respect.
Alsager School